Career Development Series 2023
Second Annual Career Development Series for Fellows
May 8th, 16th & 24th at 12:30-2 pm EST
Links to register for each session are highlighted below.
*Please note the International Graduate Session has been postponed until further notice.
Session 1: Nuts and Bolts of the Job Application Process
May 8, 2023 / 12:30-2 pm EST
Click HERE to register!
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 995 9784 7125
Passcode: 4363662
Overview of Job Search Resources
Dr. Kaitlin Strumph, Children's Hospital at Montefiore
Dr. John Norko, St. Joseph's Children's Hospital
CV & Cover Letter Preparation
Dr. Sarah Lusman, Columbia University Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital
Interviewing & Negotiating
Dr. Michael Isakoff, Connecticut Children's
Session 2: The Institutional Perspective - Division Director Q&A Panel
May 16, 2023 / 12:30-2 pm EST
Click HERE to register!
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 949 8989 8904
Passcode: 4363662
Division Directors Q&A Panels
Fellows will attend two 40-minute panels, each with 5-6 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Division Directors from programs across the US to hear about what Division Directors look for in candidates and how to make oneself an attractive candidate for a variety of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology faculty positions.
Questions may be submitted in advance or during the session, either live or in the chat or by anonymous Google form. We encourage submitting questions in advance at the above link.
Session 3: The Individual Perspective - Career Path Breakout Rooms
May 24, 2023 / 12:30-2 pm EST
Click HERE to register!
Please note registration for this session is MANDATORY as fellows must be assigned to breakout rooms in advance.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 945 5021 9368
Passcode: 4636662
Overview of Careers in Industry
Dr. Pallavi Pillai, Oncology Clinical Director, Merck Research Labs
Dr. Ian Waxman, Developmental Lead, Bristol Meyers Squibb
Career Path Breakouts
Fellows will attend two 30-minute break out rooms based on their individual career interest as determined by registration survey above. Each panel will host 5-7 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology faculty members from programs across the US. Panelists will provide their path to their career and offer advice to fellows looking to follow a similar path.
Break out rooms will be as follows (see below for panelists):
Physician Scientist (both lab and clinical research)
Academic Clinical Faculty (medium to large program)
Academic Clincial Faculty (small program)
Medical Education
Additional Fellowship Training
Pediatric Heme/Onc Hospitalist
Questions may be submitted in advance or during the session, either live or in the chat or by anonymous Google form. We encourage submitting questions in advance at the above link.